Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming Blog: Finishing The Scenes At Kaitlyn's House

As the downpour continued, Stephanie and I decided to re watch some of our footage. We deleted whatever we felt was unnecessary. When the rain had come almost to a complete halt, we were able to film the scenes we had set aside. There was a scene where Stephanie and I were running. I asked my mother to assist us with filming this scene, which was filmed as a tilt, because we weren't able to film it ourselves. She also helped us film other scenes of us running. Next we did the scenes where I get shot. Stephanie had brought makeup so she could create a fake bullet wound on my shoulder. I wasn't very excited to film these scenes because I prefer being behind the camera. It was difficult for me when I had to act shocked when I got 'shot'. There was also a scene where I had to fall and act like I was in pain. We had to do multiple takes of this scene because my movements didn't look natural, though Stephanie did her best to help guide me. Overall, I learned that my acting skills need a lot of work.

We then filmed the scenes of Stephanie running into the fence. At first, we just filmed a track shot of Stephanie running straight into the fence. However this didn't look natural enough. So, I suggested while Stephanie is running, she looks back towards me then when she turns her head forward she crashes into the fence. This worked out because it made her hitting the fence look more unintentional. For safety reasons, we had Stephanie hit her hand against the fence then fall so it looked like she actually hit it. After filming Stephanie's scenes, we went inside and had a snack break. We realized that we had no more scenes to film, so we decided to watch all our footage once again. We deleted the clips that we felt unnecessary. Finally, we cleaned up our props and I wiped off my makeup. Overall, filming at my house went smoothly and didn't take as long as we expected.

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